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Dental crowns have a variety of dental applications including strengthening and improving tooth shape, size or color, supporting broken or weak teeth or those with large fillings. They offer the patient a properly contoured surface for stained, misshapen, or otherwise abnormal teeth. How does the treatment work? When placing a dental crown around a tooth, we start by preparing the tooth. We will need to remove a portion of the enamel so that there is room for the new crown to surround the tooth without pushing other teeth out of place. Once complete, we will clean the tooth and secure a temporary crown to it using removable glue. Patients typically wear a temporary crown for around a week while waiting for a permanent one to be created in the lab. During this time, it is important to be careful with what you eat and how you brush your teeth since the temporary is designed to come off. When the dental restoratives are complete, patients return to our dental office, so that we can remove the temporaries and bond the permanent ones to the tooth. For a dental crown, we will secure the cap around the tooth and complete it through dental bonding. With a bridge, a crown is placed on the two teeth that are surrounding the missing one. On top of the crown is a piece that looks like natural gums that will hold the new tooth in place. These two crowns serve as anchors for this synthetic "bridge" and make a new tooth as durable as it can be. Patients depend on this procedure as a way to replace missing teeth in a way that looks natural and restores the functionality of the missing tooth.

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