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Dental Filling

Dental Filling At Right Family Dental, we use composite fillings as a treatment method for tooth decay. Our team has the necessary experience with placing these tooth-colored fillings and can work to ensure that the patient is comfortable throughout the procedure. This is one of our most frequently used procedures, since a filling is typically placed after removing tooth decay (common cavities). Composite fillings match the shade of your natural teeth while providing the necessary level of protection. While many refer to a composite resin as a "white" filling, the actual shade may be more of a crème, if that is what is necessary to blend in. Composite resin fillings function in the same way amalgam ones do, so they are still effective for restoring teeth that have suffered from decay or fracture. How does the treatment Work? Before a filling is performed, the dentist numbs the gums around the affected tooth using an injection of local anesthetic. Once the area is numbed, the affected tooth is inspected. Filling is determined based on the amount of tooth decay or damage. If tooth decay is present, the affected areas of the teeth are removed and the tooth is cleaned, washed and dried. Filling material is then inserted where the affected area was and the original shape of the tooth is restored. A patient is then asked to bite hard to see if the filling feels comfortable.

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