Removable Partial/Full Dentures
Partial Dentures If only a few of your teeth are missing, partial dentures are a good solution for replacing them. Unlike a full set of dentures, these are held in place by a plastic base that is the same color as your gums. A metal framework is typically created in order to secure the base and prevent it from falling out. As long as you have natural teeth in place, you cannot wear a full set, so a partial set of dentures is necessary. At Right Family Dental we offer our patients options to choose from the type of removable dentures. Many people ask about Metal Dentures (Cast Partial) vs Plastic Dentures (Flexible Thermoplastic Partials), so we thought we would write an article to explain the main differences. A cast metal partial denture involves a metal framework that attaches by way of clasps connected to crowns or natural teeth. The metal frame is obviously not visible (the gum-colored acrylic plastic covers it), but when you smile, the clasps may be visible. Flexible Partial Dentures aren’t exactly new, but their acceptance has been increasing recently because they are very comfortable. Unlike rigid dentures, flexible dentures are very gentle on your gums. Flexible dentures are also less likely to be dislodged by chewing. That’s because they can’t get levered out of place. When one side of the denture experiences more force than the other, the dentures just flex in the middle. This can also make flexible dentures less likely to get broken. Flexible dentures provide a solution for patients who can’t or don’t want to use regular dentures. The most obvious advantage is that they aren’t brittle, so they’re less likely to shatter if they’re dropped. Comfort is a major benefit, and patients often find chewing easier than when wearing regular dentures. Some patients are allergic to acrylic resin, nickel or other materials in traditional dentures, and some have difficulty opening their mouths wide. For these patients, the flexible variety may be the only type they can wear. Dentists may also recommend them to patients who have had missing teeth for a long time. Complete Denture When all of your teeth are missing, complete dentures can replace them. This is the type of dentures that you typically see in cartoons and movies. Technology has improved in recent years, making them more comfortable and natural looking than ever. We can determine if this is the best way to replace your teeth or if an alternative solution will help you to achieve your goals. If you proceed with getting a complete set of dentures, your gums will be healed and ready in eight to 12 weeks after your teeth have been removed. Following teeth removal, the bones and gums will start to shrink. By waiting for up to 12 weeks, you can be sure that your set of complete dentures will fit securely. Many patients throughout New York prefer not to wait and get immediate dentures. This solution does not require a waiting period, but there will be adjustments later on after the gums and bone have settled into their permanent size.
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